Source: plugin-wikidata/src/prop.js

import { logger } from '@citation-js/core'
import { parse as parseNameString } from '@citation-js/name'
import { parse as parseDate } from '@citation-js/date'

import config from './config.json'

 * CSL mappings for Wikidata instances.
 * @access private
 * @constant types
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
import types from './types.json'

 * @access private
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
 * @param {Object} claim - author claim
 * @return {String|null} name
function getNameString ({ value, qualifiers }) {
  // Some name fields have, in addition to a Wikidata ID, a qualifier stating
  // how the name is actually represented. That's what we want to cite. For
  // example, Sylvie Deleurance (Q122350848) has published as Sylvie Glaçon,
  // Sylvie Deleurance, and Sylvie Deleurance-Glaçon.
  if (Array.isArray(qualifiers.P1932) && typeof qualifiers.P1932[0] === 'string') {
    return qualifiers.P1932[0]

  // P50 statements point to an entity
  if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
    return getLabel(value)

  // P2093 statements point to a string
  if (typeof value === 'string') {
    return value

  return null

 * Get a single name
 * @access private
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
 * @param {Object} claim - name claim
 * @return {Object} Name object
function parseName (claim) {
  const nameString = getNameString(claim)

  if (nameString === null) {
    return { literal: null }

  const { value, qualifiers } = claim
  const isPerson = typeof value !== 'object' || (value && && => claim.value === 'Q5'))
  const name = isPerson ? parseNameString(nameString) : { literal: nameString }

  // Add custom ordinal data
  const ordinal = qualifiers.P1545 ? parseInt(qualifiers.P1545[0]) : null
  if (ordinal !== null) {
    name._ordinal = ordinal

  return name

 * Get names
 * @access private
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
 * @param {Array<Object>} values
 * @return {Array<Object>} Array with name objects
function parseNames (values) {
  return values
    .sort((a, b) => a._ordinal - b._ordinal)

 * Get place name from (publisher) entity.
 * @access private
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
 * @param {Object} value
 * @return {String} Place name + country
function getPlace (value) {
  const country =[0].value
  // only short names that are not an instance of (P31) emoji flag seqs. (Q28840786)
  const shortNames ={ qualifiers: { P31 } }) => !P31 || P31[0] !== 'Q28840786')
  return getLabel(value) + ', ' + (shortNames[0] ||[0]).value

 * Get title either from explicit statement or from label.
 * @access private
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
 * @param {Object} value
 * @return {String} Title
function getTitle (value) {
    : getLabel(value)

 * Turn array of entities into comma-separated list of labels.
 * @access private
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
 * @param {Array<Object>} values
 * @return {String} Labels
function parseKeywords (values) {
  return values
    .map(({ value }) => getLabel(value))

 * Get date parts from multiple statements.
 * @access private
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
 * @param {Array<Object>} values
 * @return {Array<Array<Number>>} Array of date-parts
function parseDateRange (dates) {
  return {
    'date-parts': dates
      .map(date => parseDate(date.value))
      .filter(date => date && date['date-parts'])
      .map(date => date['date-parts'][0])

 * Get version information.
 * @access private
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
 * @param {Array<Object>} values
 * @return {Array<Array<Number>>} Array of date-parts
function parseVersion (version) {
  const output = { version: version.value }
  if (version.qualifiers.P577) {
    output.issued = parseDate(version.qualifiers.P577[0])
  if (version.qualifiers.P356) {
    output.DOI = version.qualifiers.P356[0]
  if (version.qualifiers.P6138) {
    output.SWHID = version.qualifiers.P6138[0]
  return output

export const TYPE_PRIORITIES = {
  'review-book': 10,
  review: 9,
  'entry-dictionary': 5,
  'entry-encyclopedia': 5,
  map: 5,
  dataset: 4,
  legislation: 1,

  'article-magazine': 0,
  bill: 0,
  chapter: 0,
  classic: 0,
  collection: 0,
  entry: 0,
  figure: 0,
  graphic: 0,
  hearing: 0,
  interview: 0,
  legal_case: 0,
  manuscript: 0,
  motion_picture: 0,
  musical_score: 0,
  pamphlet: 0,
  'paper-conference': 0,
  patent: 0,
  personal_communication: 0,
  'post-weblog': 0,
  report: 0,
  song: 0,
  speech: 0,
  standard: 0,
  thesis: 0,
  treaty: 0,

  broadcast: -1,
  'article-newspaper': -1,
  'article-journal': -1,
  periodical: -2,
  regulation: -2,
  post: -5,
  webpage: -6,
  software: -7,
  article: -9,
  book: -10,
  performance: -11,
  event: -12,
  document: -100

 * Transform property and value from Wikidata format to CSL.
 * Returns additional _ordinal property on authors.
 * @access protected
 * @method parse
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
 * @param {String} prop
 * @param {Array|String} values
 * @param {Object} entity
 * @return {String|Array<Object>} CSL value
export function parseProp (prop, value, entity) {
  switch (prop) {
    case 'type':
      return parseType(value)

    case 'author':
    case 'chair':
    case 'curator':
    case 'container-author':
    case 'collection-editor':
    case 'composer':
    case 'director':
    case 'editor':
    case 'executive-producer':
    case 'guest':
    case 'host':
    case 'illustrator':
    case 'narrator':
    case 'organizer':
    case 'original-author':
    case 'performer':
    case 'producer':
    case 'recipient':
    case 'reviewed-author':
    case 'script-writer':
    case 'translator':
      return parseNames(value)

    case 'issued':
    case 'original-date':
      return parseDate(value)

    case 'event-date':
      return parseDateRange(value)

    case 'keyword':
      return parseKeywords(value)

    case 'container-title':
    case 'collection-title':
    case 'event-title':
    case 'medium':
    case 'publisher':
    case 'original-publisher':
      return getTitle(value)

    case 'event-place':
    case 'jurisdiction':
    case 'original-publisher-place':
    case 'publisher-place':
      return getPlace(value)

    case 'chapter-number':
    case 'collection-number':
      return parseInt(value[0])

    case 'number-of-volumes':
      return value.length

    case 'versions':

      return value

 * @access protected
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
 * @param {String|Array<String>} type - P31 Wikidata ID value
 * @return {String} CSL type
export function parseType (type) {
  const unmapped = Array.isArray(type) ? type : [type]
  const mapped = => types[type.value]).filter(Boolean)

  if (!mapped.length) {
    logger.unmapped('[plugin-wikidata]', 'publication type', type)
    return 'document'

  mapped.sort((a, b) => TYPE_PRIORITIES[b] - TYPE_PRIORITIES[a])

  return mapped[0]

 * Get the labels of objects
 * @access protected
 * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-wikidata.parsers.prop
 * @param {Object} entity - Wikidata API response
 * @return {String} label
export function getLabel (entity) {
  if (!entity) {
    return undefined

  const lang = config.langs.find(lang => entity.labels[lang])
  return entity.labels[lang]

export {
  parseProp as parse,
  parseProp as default