Source: plugin-csl/src/index.js

 * ## Formats
 * Formats and other features added by this plugin. General output options:
 *   * `template`: the style template to use. Currently, the following are built-in:
 *     * `apa` (default)
 *     * `vancouver`
 *     * `harvard1`
 *   * `lang`: the locale to use. Currently, the following are built-in:
 *     * `en-US` (default)
 *     * `es-ES`
 *     * `de-DE`
 *     * `fr-FR`
 *     * `nl-NL`
 *   * `format`: output (markup) format. Note: this doesn't support the output format dictionaries
 *   * `entry` (`String`, `Array[String]`): entry ID or list of entry IDs to identify the items to cite
 * For all formats and format-specific options, check out {@link module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output}.
 * @module @citation-js/plugin-csl

 * @callback module:output/csl~retrieveItem
 * @param {String} id - Citation id
 * @return {CSL} CSL Citation object

 * @callback module:output/csl~retrieveLocale
 * @param {String} lang - Language code
 * @return {String} CSL Locale

 * @typedef {module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~Entry|Array<module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~Entry>} module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~Entries

 * @typedef {String|module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~DetailedEntry} module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~Entry

 * Corresponds directly to the {@link|cite-items of citeproc-js}.
 * @typedef {Object} module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~DetailedEntry
 * @property {Number|String} [locator] - page, figure, section etc. number of the citation
 * @property {String} [label='page'] - type of locator to accompany the locator number
 * @property {Boolean} [suppress-author=false]
 * @property {Boolean} [author-only=false]
 * @property {String} [prefix]
 * @property {String} [suffix]

import { plugins } from '@citation-js/core'

import { locales } from './locales.js'
import { templates } from './styles.js'
import engine from './engines.js'

import bibliography from './bibliography.js'
import citation from './citation.js'

plugins.add('@csl', {
   * @namespace output
   * @type Object<module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatterName,module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatter>
   * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl
  output: {

   * @namespace config
   * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl
  config: {
     * The configuration object also exposes an internal method to prepare a Citeproc engine with given data and configuration:
     * ```js
     * let config = plugins.config.get('@csl')
     * let citeproc = plugins.engine(
     *   [{ ... }], // data
     *   'apa',     // style
     *   'en-US',   // locale
     *   'html'     // format
     * )
     * let sortedIds = citeproc.updateItems(
     *   [...] // data ids
     * )
     * let makeBibliography = citeproc.makeBibliography()
     * ```
     * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.config
     * @method engine
     * @param {module:@citation-js/core~CSL} data
     * @param {String} style
     * @param {String} locale
     * @param {String} format

     * Different [CSL Locales]( can be registered like this:
     * ```js
     * let language = 'en-GB'
     * let locale = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><locale ...>...</locale>' // The actual XML file
     * let config = plugins.config.get('@csl')
     * config.locales.add(language, locale)
     * let example = new Cite(...)
     * example.format('bibliography', {
     *   format: 'html',
     *   template: 'apa',
     *   lang: language
     * })
     * ```
     * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.config
     * @var {module:@citation-js/core.util.Register} locales

     * Different [CSL Templates]( can be registered like this:
     * ```js
     * let templateName = 'custom'
     * let template = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><style ...>...</style>' // The actual XML file
     * let config = plugins.config.get('@csl')
     * config.templates.add(templateName, template)
     * let example = new Cite(...)
     * example.format('bibliography', {
     *   format: 'html',
     *   template: templateName,
     *   lang: 'en-US'
     * })
     * ```
     * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.config
     * @var {module:@citation-js/core.util.Register} templates