import biblatex from './mapping/biblatexTypes.json'
import bibtex from './mapping/bibtexTypes.json'
import * as constants from './input/constants.js'
* @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex
* @namespace config
export default {
* Contains various constants used while parsing, mapping and formatting BibTeX-
* related file formats.
* ### Required types
* The list of required fields for each type for BibLaTeX and BibTeX is available
* under `config.constants.required.biblatex` and `config.constants.required.bibtex`
* respectively. In both cases, the list consists of strings for required fields
* and arrays for sets of fields where at least one should be present
* (year OR date for BibLaTeX for example).
* ```js
* = [
* 'title',
* ['author', 'editor'],
* 'publisher',
* ['year', 'date']
* ]
* ```
* ### Field types
* Field types (used for both BibLaTeX and BibTeX) are available through `config.constants.fieldTypes`.
* This returns an object mapping Bib(La)TeX field names to an array containing a
* field type and a value type. The former is either `field`, `list` (`" and "`-delimited),
* or `separated` (comma-delimited). As for the latter:
* | Value type | Description |
* |------------|-------------|
* | `literal` | Normal text or numeric content |
* | `title` | Like `literal` but can be affected by `config.parse.sentenceCase` |
* | `name` | A personal or organizational name |
* | `date` | An EDTF Level 1 date |
* | `verbatim` | Unaltered text (no expansion of commands, etc.) |
* | `uri` | Same as `verbatim` but if needed the URL is encoded |
* | other | No special behaviour, treated like `literal` |
* ```js
* // Add `daturl` for dat:// URLs
* config.constants.fieldTypes.daturl = ['field', 'uri']
* // Do not treat `publisher` as a list
* config.constants.fieldTypes.publisher = ['field', 'literal']
* ```
* ### Unicode
* - `config.constants.diacritics` maps commands (`\"`) to diacritics
* - `config.constants.commands` maps commands (`\textinterrobangdown`) to general unicode characters (`⸘`)
* - `config.constants.ligatures` maps non-command character sequences (`---`, `~`, etc.) to their replacements (emdash, no-breaking space, etc.)
* - `config.constants.ligaturePattern` is a RegExp that recognizes the ligatures mapped above
* - `config.constants.mathScripts` maps superscript and subscript (in properties `^` and `_` respectively)
* ```js
* config.constants.diacritics['"'] = '\u0308'
* config.constants.commands.textinterrobangdown = '⸘'
* config.constants.ligatures = {
* '---': '\u2014',
* '~': '\u00A0'
* }
* config.constants.ligaturePattern = /---|~/g // Don't forget the (g)lobal flag
* config.constants.mathScripts = {
* '^': { '1': '¹' },
* '_': { '1': '₁' }
* }
* ```
* ### Formatting
* - `config.constants.formattingEnvs` maps environment commands to formatting
* - `config.constants.formattingCommands` maps regular commands to formatting
* - `config.constants.mathScriptFormatting` maps `^` and `_` to resp. super- and subscript
* - `config.constants.formatting` maps formatting to HTML (though RTF or Markdown could be substituted)
* ```js
* = 'bold'
* config.constants.formattingCommands.textbf = 'bold'
* config.constants.mathScriptFormatting['^'] = 'superscript'
* config.constants.formatting = {
* bold: ['<b>', '</b>'],
* superscript: ['<sup>', '</sup>']
* }
* ```
* ### Other commands
* The object `config.constants.argumentCommands` maps command names to functions
* handling them. This does not include commands used above. Braced arguments are
* parsed automatically based on how many arguments the function takes. It does not
* support optional arguments (i.e. those in square braces) yet.
* ```js
* config.constants.argumentCommands.href = function (url, displayText) {
* // Note: <a> tags are not supported by CSL so watch out if you use this
* return `<a href="${url}">${displayText}</a>`
* }
* // You can also use it to replace commands that produce text
* config.constants.argumentCommands.LaTeX = () => 'LaTeX'
* ```
* ### English languages
* The array `config.constants.sentenceCaseLanguages` affects which languages are
* eligible for sentence-casing when `config.parse.sentenceCase` is set to `'english'`.
* All entries should be lowercase.
* ```js
* config.constants.sentenceCaseLanguages = [
* 'english',
* 'en-us',
* 'en-gb'
* ]
* ```
* ### Replacement strings
* The object `config.constants.defaultStrings` determines which strings are defined
* by default.
* ```js
* config.constants.defaultStrings.larsgw = "Willighagen, Lars G"
* ```
* @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.config
* @var {Object} constants
* @property {Object} required
* @property {Object<String, Array<String|Array<String>>>} required.biblatex
* @property {Object<String, Array<String|Array<String>>>} required.bibtex
* @property {Object<String, Array<String>>} fieldTypes
* @property {Object<String, String>} diacritics
* @property {Object<String, String>} commands
* @property {Object<String, String>} ligatures
* @property {RegExp} ligaturePattern
* @property {Object} mathScripts
* @property {Object<String, String>} mathScripts.^ - Superscript
* @property {Object<String, String>} mathScripts._ - Subscript
* @property {Object<String, String>} formattingEnvs
* @property {Object<String, String>} formattingCommands
* @property {Object<String, String>} mathScriptFormatting
* @property {Object<String, String>} formatting
* @property {Object<String, Function>} argumentCommands
* @property {Array<String>} sentenceCaseLanguages
* @property {Object<String, String>} defaultStrings
* Entry type mappings between BibLaTeX or BibTeX and CSL-JSON are available through
* `config.types.biblatex` and `config.types.bibtex`. In both cases, the Bib(La)TeX
* mappings are in the `source` field and the reverse mappings in the `target` field.
* ```js
* config.types.biblatex.source.inproceedings = 'paper-conference'
*['paper-conference'] = 'inproceedings'
* ```
* @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.config
* @var {Object} types
* @property {Object} biblatex
* @property {Object<String, String>} biblatex.source - BibLaTeX to CSL
* @property {Object<String, String>} - CSL to BibLaTeX
* @property {Object} bibtex
* @property {Object<String, String>} bibtex.source - BibTeX to CSL
* @property {Object<String, String>} - CSL to BibTeX
types: { biblatex, bibtex },
* @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.config
* @var {Object} parse
* @property {Boolean} [strict=false] - When true, entries are checked for required fields.
* @property {String} [sentenceCase='never'] - Convert titles to sentence case when parsing.
parse: {
biblatex: true,
strict: false,
sentenceCase: 'never'
* @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.config
* @var {Object} format
* @property {Boolean} [format.useIdAsLabel=false] - Use the entry ID as the label instead of generating one.
format: {
useIdAsLabel: false