Input Plugins

With Input Plugins you can register different input types and parsers and overwrite existing ones. To register/overwrite a input type, do this:

Cite.plugins.input.add(type, {
  parseType: {

Or with General Plugins, ref being the plugin name:

Cite.plugins.add(ref, {
  input: {
    type: {parse, ...}


Option Description
type Type name
parse Callback to parse data
parseAsync* Async callback to parse data (falls back to parse)
predicate Callback to test if data is of given type
dataType Shorthand type checking (defaults to 'Primitive')
tokenList* Shorthand checking for strings with repeated parts
elementConstraint* Shorthand element checking
propertyConstraint* Shorthand property checking
extends* Type subclassing

*: optional

dataType defaults to Primitive if heuristics don't apply, so be careful for that.


The type is the name of the Input Formats, and are recommended to be in the syntax shown below. Alternative syntaxes include @scope and @scope/format. Examples:

  • @bibtex/text for a series of BibTeX entries
  • @wikidata/list+string for a list of Wikidata IDs separated by spaces/newlines/commas
  • @wikidata/list+object for an actual array of Wikidata IDs

Actual semantics in this string aren't mandated, but recommended. Scopes aren't reserved, but try to respect other plugins.

const type = '@scope/type+format'


Function to call to parse the input of your input type. Note that this doesn't directly have to parse to CSL-JSON: for example, the @bibtex/text parser parses entries into an array of objects (@bibtex/json). The @bibtex/json parser then parses these objects into CSL-JSON (@csl/object).

const parse = input => { ... }


Same, but async. May both exist for the same input type. For example, the @wikidata/object parser has both a sync and async variant

const parseAsync = async input => { ... }


The parseType object is a collection of functions, object-represented constraints and other configurations helping the parsing engine determine what type the input is.


The dataType is in what category your input data falls:

  • String for strings
  • Array for arrays
  • SimpleObject for regular objects
  • ComplexObject for other and/or custom classes
  • Primitive for numbers, undefined, etc., and null

The dataType, if not provided, can default to a number of things:

  1. If predicate is a regex or tokenList is used, it defaults to String.
  2. If elementConstraint is present, it defaults to Array.
  3. Else, it defaults to Primitive, which is arguably a quite useless default (how would one get bibliographical data out of a number?). It might change to SimpleObject in the future, or some wildcard if that gets implemented.
const dataType = 'String'


predicate is a function to check if any value is of your input type. Note that this function should account for the input value being undefined, etc.

Alternatively, you can pass a regex that matches if the input string is of your input type.

const predicate = input => { ... }
const predicate = /.../


tokenList is a constraint to match strings consisting of a clearly delimited list of patterns (tokens), like a file with a DOI on each line. The delimiter is any amount of whitespace per default, and it normally trims leading and trailing whitespace and mandates that every token matches. However, those options can be configured by passing an object instead of only the pattern.

const tokenList = /.../
const tokenList = {
  token: /.../,
  split: /.../, // /,/ for example, for commas
  every: true,  // `false` for any
  trim: true    // `false` for keeping whitespace

elementConstraint & propertyConstraint

Instead of or even in combination with predicate you can pass the constraints below.

  • elementConstraint mandates every element in an array should be of the passed type
  • propertyConstraint mandates the following:
    • for every/some (propertyConstraint.match) prop in propertyConstraint.props:
    • assert that the input has that property and
    • if there is a value constraint (propertyConstraint.value), assert that the value corresponding to that prop is evaluated as true when passed in the value constraint callback
const elementConstraint = '@scope/type+format'
const propertyConstraint = {
  props: ['a'],   // or simply "props: 'a'"
  match: 'every', // or some
  value: value => { ... }


The extends option is a bit of an outsider, as it doesn't specify what input should look like; instead, it tells the parsing engine to only test for this type after a certain type has already matched.

Say, for example, there's a @else/url format (there is). This format recognizes any URL, and tries to fetch whatever file it points to, and parse the contents. However, in some cases, like with @doi/api, which is also a URL, you want to add an Accept header to get machine-readable data directly. Because you don't want @else/url messing that up, you can say the @doi/api type extends the @else/url type.

This causes the parsing engine to check if it really isn't a @doi/api after announcing it matches @else/url. Besides being essential in some cases, like the one above, it also slightly improves performance, as the parsing engine now doesn't have to check if it's @doi/api if it already knows it isn't @else/url.

Note that it's almost impossible for a plugin author to account for all or any types added through plugins. It is, however, quite useful for builtin types.

To view the hierarchy of formats, determined by the extends options, use Cite.plugins.input.treeTypeParser().


When registered, every input plugin behaves like regular input formats, and can be parsed in the same way.