* @module input/bibtex
import parseName from '../../name'
import parseDate from '../../date'
* To match months.
* @access private
* @constant propMap
* @type {Array<RegExp>}
* @default
const months = [
* Parse date into list of CSL date object.
* @access private
* @method parseBibtexDate
* @param {String} value - date
* @return {Object} CSL date object
const parseBibtexDate = function (value) {
if (/{|}/.test(value)) {
return {literal: value.replace(/[{}]/g, '')}
} else {
return parseDate(value)
* Parse name into CSL name objects.
* @access private
* @method parseBibtexName
* @param {String} name - name
* @return {Object} CSL name object
const parseBibtexName = function (name) {
if (/{|}/.test(name)) {
return {literal: name.replace(/[{}]/g, '')}
} else {
return parseName(name)
* Parse list of names into list of CSL name objects.
* @access private
* @method parseBibtexNameList
* @param {String} list - list of names separated by ' and '
* @return {Array<Object>} array of CSL name objects
const parseBibtexNameList = function (list) {
const literals = []
// To split author names by ' and ' while supporting literal names like
// '{National Academy for Arts and Sciences}' (i.e. some name with ' and '
// in it), we first pick a escaping character ('%')...
// ...escape all '%'s and remove all literals ('{...}')...
list = list.replace(/%/g, '%0').replace(/{.*?}/g, m => `%[${literals.push(m) - 1}]`)
// ...split the string...
return list.split(' and ')
// ...re-insert all literals and unescape all '%'s...
.map(name => name.replace(/%\[(\d+)\]/, (_, i) => literals[+i]).replace(/%0/g, '%'))
// ...and parse the names to make sure literals are actually preserved.
const richTextMappings = {
textit: 'i',
textbf: 'b',
textsc: 'sc',
textsuperscript: 'sup',
textsubscript: 'sub'
* @access private
* @param {String} text - BibTeX rich text
* @return {String} CSL-JSON rich text
const parseBibtexRichText = function (text) {
// tokens at even indices are text, odd indices are markup
let tokens = text.split(/((?:\\text[a-z]+)?{|})/)
let closingTags = []
// there could be a top-level tag if the first and last characters are brackets.
// if it isn't, it's set to false later on
let hasTopLevelTag = text[0] === '{' && text[text.length - 1] === '}'
tokens = tokens.map((token, index) => {
// return text as-is
if (index % 2 === 0) {
return token
// handle style tags
} else if (token[0] === '\\') {
let tag = richTextMappings[token.slice(1, -1)]
return `<${tag}>`
// handle nocase tags (e.g. text wrapped in {...})
} else if (token === '{') {
return '<span class="nocase">'
// handle closing tags
} else if (token === '}') {
// If the top-level tag gets closed (the one at index 0, i.e. length 1) and
// this isn't the last markup tag yet (at index - 1, i.e. length -2), there
// can't be a top-level tag
if (closingTags.length === 1 && index !== tokens.length - 2) {
hasTopLevelTag = false
return closingTags.pop()
// remove top-level tag (e.g. second and second to last tokens, equivalent to the
// first and last markup tokens)
if (hasTopLevelTag) {
tokens.splice(0, 2)
tokens.splice(-2, 2)
return tokens.join('')
* Map holding information on BibTeX-JSON fields.
* * If true, field name should stay the same
* * If false, field should be ignored
* * If string, use as field name
* * Special strings are used to merge into complex objects
* @access private
* @constant propMap
* @default
const propMap = {
address: 'publisher-place',
author: true,
booktitle: 'container-title',
doi: 'DOI',
date: 'issued',
edition: true,
editor: true,
isbn: 'ISBN',
issn: 'ISSN',
issue: 'issue',
journal: 'container-title',
language: true,
location: 'publisher-place',
note: true,
number: 'issue',
numpages: 'number-of-pages',
pages: 'page',
pmid: 'PMID',
pmcid: 'PMCID',
publisher: true,
series: 'collection-title',
title: true,
url: 'URL',
volume: true,
// prepare for merge
year: 'issued:date-parts.0.0',
month: 'issued:date-parts.0.1',
day: 'issued:date-parts.0.2',
// ignore
crossref: false,
keywords: false
* Transform property and value from BibTeX-JSON format to CSL-JSON
* @access protected
* @method parseBibTeXProp
* @param {String} name - Field name
* @param {String} value - Field value
* @return {Array<String>} Array with new name and value
const parseBibTeXProp = function (name, value) {
if (!propMap.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
logger.info('[set]', `Unknown property: ${name}`)
return undefined
} else if (propMap[name] === false) {
return undefined
const cslProp = propMap[name] === true ? name : propMap[name]
const cslValue = ((name, value) => {
switch (name) {
case 'author':
case 'editor':
return parseBibtexNameList(value)
case 'issued':
return parseBibtexDate(value)
case 'edition':
// return parseOrdinal(value)
return value
case 'issued:date-parts.0.1':
return parseFloat(value) ? value : months.findIndex(month => month.test(value)) + 1
case 'page':
return value.replace(/[—–]/, '-')
case 'title':
return parseBibtexRichText(value)
return value.replace(/[{}]/g, '')
})(cslProp, value)
return [cslProp, cslValue]
export {
parseBibTeXProp as parse,
parseBibTeXProp as default